Friday, May 23, 2008

News Bytes

1. Joe Biden, while carefully not endorsing Obama, is speaking out on his behalf in a big way today. It seems he has penned an article in the Wall Street Journal defending Obama's views on national security. Is our perennial Delaware senator positioning himself to fill a potential Kennedy void in the Democratic Party?

2. The Texas courts have ruled that the raid on the so-called FLDS compound went too far when it seized 400+ children. They are to be returned to their families within 10 days. It is, of course, under appeal, so we'll see if that happens. I don't agree with the lifestyle this group espouses, but I am quite certain I disagree with a system that removes children from their homes and families in such large numbers with so little evidence.

3. Mitt Romney is one of three men visiting McCain's ranch in Sedona, Arizona, this weekend in what is clearly a VP screening. I really am not sure how I feel about the idea of Romney as VP to McCain. It would be a surefire way for McCain to secure my vote, but it would be hard to stomach all the same. Anyway, in honor of Mitt Romney's return to the news headlines, I dug up this little gem from February. Enjoy:


Lórien said...

Very good post my friend. I was originally turned off to that video when I first saw it, but after watching it through more, it is really really funny. I personally like the 10 reasons to not vote for Hillary. Gives me a chuckle.
Ugh, I can't agree more with not knowing how to stomach a VP spot for Romney. Seems so backwards. And defeat somehow. And why does McCain have to be there anyway. Ok, nothing you haven't heard before from me......and I guess we shall see what happens.

Amy said...

So funny! I don't think his campaign used the Olympics enough to his advantage. I can't help but think with as bad as the economy is now that if he had just stayed and fought like Hillary is that he may have pulled it out. VP? At least it could give him the boost he would need for 2012- there is no way McCain would run for a second term he might not live that long. In fact as VP he may be President sooner than we think because McCain is not looking so healthy these days.

Chris said...

I am so not into politics though one day I may explain my philosophy of the whole matter to you...but I do believe (stongly I might add) that it is everyones responsibility to vote and that if you didnt and you dont like what is going on in with things you need to keep your mouth shut because you did nothing to deserve the right to run your mouth...but again just MY BIGGEST PET PEEVE...people who use the "system" as an excuse to not get off their asses...but are always the first to complain about what they need or dont have!

Lorien...I can see you grinning from across town! You have to love open blogs for one thing.

It really was too funny and my goodness...I so enjoy the catchiness of the tune as I was running around my house singing a matter of fact I am singing it now!

Lórien said...

"Mitt Romney, Mitt Romney, nothing rhymes with Romney so I'm just saying Romney"......YES still in my brain as well Chris. hehe :-)

Lórien said...

Can I get a Mittness???

Lórien said...

K I'm done :-)

Lórien said...

Unless I think of anything else witty to say

Jennifer said...

Oooh! A sing-a-long!

Lórien said...

Please don't encourage me lol

Chris said...

LOL You guys are killing me! I have a bit of a confession...the other night I turned this song on and my family danced around the room... got yourself a Mittness!

BTW: When is the DDR Party at my house? Before or after my Vactation? Can you girls wait or not? I know the itch is getting to you its the reason the song is calling to us in our dreams...I am going to check the calendar...

Lórien said...

When is your vacation again Chris? I say sooner than later.....maybe next Friday, the 13th? Ooohhh :-)

Chris said...

21st...I like it...I will set out the feelers...LOL