Friday, September 26, 2008

That's Debatable

Twenty minutes into the debate and the candidates are still debating tax breaks and what to spend our money on. I know I'm provincial, but I just don't like the idea of the government taking money from me to spend on non-essential items. Whenever I hear terms like "invest" with regard to taxpayer money, it just makes me want to throw things at my television. It's my job to invest my money, not the government's.

Thirty minutes in and John McCain finally said that he would consider a spending freeze on all non-essential government spending. Hallelujah! Of course, Obama considers that "using a hatchet where you should use a scalpel". But, if you're broke, you must cut everything out of your budget except that which sustains life. I just fear that we've gotten too much into being a country that doesn't trust its citizens with their own money.


Lórien said...

Yeah, isn't that what we have like real financial investors for??? Obviously the government is terrific with money, so we should just let them have our entire paycheck and they can mail us the difference.

Jennifer said...

There won't be any difference to mail us. But that's okay, since the government will be providing all our needs: housing, healthcare, etc.

Lórien said...

United States of Sweeden here we come!